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The increasing unavailability of spare-parts of vintage-aircraft and the desire to exchange experiences in restoring, maintaining and operating these old 'flying wonders of aeronautical engineering' triggers a large number of 'meet and greets' between the various owners of individual aircraft types.

These coming-togethers, when well organised, can also trigger much-desired exposure and goodwill for anyone involved in flying these old aircraft.


We are highly interested in running an article on your type-related 'meet & greet'-events, when allowed to make inflight pictures during this event.


In 2005, we reported on the first International Bücker Jungmann-event, organised at Grenchen Airport in Switzerland.

The article on this event was published in several European and international aviation magazine, boosting the internal exposure of this event within Europe's vintage and Bucker-community.



An article, a few months in advance of your actual event, when published in well-targeted magazines can open new contacts with colleague-aircraft owners, being unfamiliar with the organisation of such an event.

For boosting this event during the 'conception-phase', we can even rely on a colleague-'videographer' to make a video-impression of the forthcoming event.


• (c) was created a decade ago by Stefan DEGRAEF and Edwin BORREMANS, Belgium's leading (military) aviation photographers and reporters.


Countless reports on various air force's fighter squadrons and units were published in a large number of (inter)national aviation magazines, hugely boosting the exposure of these units around the globe.


The same publication-success, unmatched in today's world of aviation journalism, has been achieved with similar  high-quality articles on individual classic aircraft, based in Europe.


More info can also be found on :



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