Thank you for visiting and consulting the official homepage of TRUEBLUEAVIAPRESS.BE
Founded by Stefan DEGRAEF and Edwin BORREMANS, Belgium’s leading freelance military aviation journalists and photographers.

On this website, we’ll try to give you a realistic and ‘uncut’ impression of our capabilities to allow you to assess our request or offer to boost the international exposure of your air force by publishing aviation articles in aviation and defence-linked magazines all over the world.
The sound and realistic aim of TrueBlueAviaPress is to promote today's military aviation (journalism) in Belgium and abroad by writing and publishing in-depth articles and reports in (inter)national aviation and defence magazines and permanently stay in touch with all evolutions in military aviation.
This site will enable you to obtain a realistic and first-hand impression of our know-how and experience.
More information needed, questions, remarks...?
Feel free to contact us... your 'aviation' wish is our command.
Our motto is simple but straightforward !
