Our vast network of positive and longlasting contacts with editors of (inter)national aviation and defence magazines around the world enables us to bring recently created or lesser known official demonstration-teams in the open !
In 2000 we contacted the Türk Hava Küvetleri (Turkish Air Force) to make a high quality report on the "Turk Yildizlari' -aka Turkish Stars- flying NF-5A/B Freedom Fighter fighter jets in a stunning routine.
Only a few telephone calls later a mutual consensus on the overall article ambition gave birth to a successfull cost-effective and resources-optimised publication 'wave' and overall public awareness- boost.
Our photo-article, illustrated with inflight air-to-air photographs, was swiftly and within months published around the globe.
Pictures taken by us -in 2000- during aerial photo-shoots with the "Turkish Stars"-display team are still used by the team on its official photo-DVD.
Turkish Stars : Ambassadors of the Turkish Air Force and pride of a nation
Only two years later similar contacts with the Royal Saudi Air Force, willing to show its newly-created demonstration-team "SaudiHawks" to the world, triggered a similar publication success.
The RSAF's General Staff was highly impressed by the standard of our 'Turkish'-article, allowing us as first foreign aviation journalists to report on their air force.
Pride to shown their display-capabilities to us (and the world), the making of this article was a true delight for all parties involved, combining skilfull flying and optimal photographing.
Similar to our 'Turkish Stars'-article, our indepth report on this Saudi-demonstration team - a world's exclusive- was published over a time-span of up to five years, allowing a maximum publication-coverage in various individual countries.
Although competitive and discretion reasons restrain us to reveil the exact publication-success, we can assure you
that both articles were published all over the globe....from the United Kingdom to J
apan and Czech Republic to Argentina and Indonesia
Saudi Hawks : Royal Saudi Air Force's official demonstration-team
The Japanese plastic modelling company Fujimi, charmed by our article published in two Japanese aviation magazines, even decided to market a 1/72 scaled plastic model of the team's aircraft....
In the late sixties and early seventies the Belgian Air Force operated its own official dedicated demonstration-team 'Rode Duivels' (aka 'Red Devils').
This demonstration-team flew a six-ship demonstration-routine with shining red-coloured Fouga CM-170 Magister-aircraft.
Budgetary restrictions and cutbacks however forced the team to be disbanded in the mid-seventies.
In the early years of the 21° century, the official Belgian Air Force Fouga CM-170
Magister- display-pilots paid tribute to this team by painting their mounts in similar striking colors.
An article on the final year of operations of the Belgian Air Force CM-170 display routine, illustrated by inflight pictures taken during one of the final rehearsel flights, was widely published.
We deliberately selected to fly this Fouga CM-170 Magister photoshoot on a sunny October-morning, allowing us to catch the striking variation of the shiny aircraft colors and the deep-blue autumn-morning light, caused by the angle-inclination of the sun.....Carefull positioning of the photo-aircraft during several very close formation manoeuvres was vital to achieve these pre-planned and anticipated results.
Publication was achieved from the United States of America to Japan, Latin America and various European countries.
As such we were able to highlight the operational excellence of our 'homeland's air force.
Belgian Air Force CM-170 Magister
reaching for the sky
The Serbia-based and civil-owned 'Acrogroup Stars' demonstration-team catched our attention several years ago.
Flown by military pilots, this team operates SOKO Galeb-jet trainers, painted in striking blue-white-red colors.
The team willingly accepted our request to make an in-depth report, at the same time hoping to bring its capabilities into the open.
The two days-long visit to the team and the various photoflights with its openminded pilots enabled us to make firsthand contacts with these true Serbian gentlemen, totally in contrast with prevailing media-perception of their homeland.
The article achieved its pre-planned publication success, leading to various invitations by Western-European airshow-organisers to book the team for their individual displays.
Unfortunately logistical elements prevented the team until now to participate in airshows in Western Europe and to fully export their newly-gained international status of formation flying excellence to the outsideworld.
'Acrogroups Stars' immaculate flying skills
So if your air force is planning to (re)form a new demonstration-team, don't hesitate to contact us..
Why allowing countless unexperienced photo-journalists to fly with your team when we can achieve a global publication-coverage in one visit and a limited number of dedicated photo-flights.