TrueBlueAviapress ©                   






Your Air Force is looking for international exposure to show its proud operational history and capabilities in a objective and well-illustrated fashion to a global audience.


You can hire a fancy photographer who only shoots pictures but is unable to write a decent article...our a desk-bound aviation-writer who has no feeling in taking breathtaking pictures .... a waste of energy and resources...


We have the experience and proven track record in editing and illustrating top-class articles on military aviation published all over the world, time after time...


To optimise your desire to show your proud air force to the public, we give up our quest for financial gain by sending 'our' article to a large number of (inter)national aviation magazines at the same time.


Sending the article to one magazine by offering one-shot copyright will boost our bank-account but not your desire to open your air force to the world.


So no financial gain for us but maximum international exposure for you !!!!


This absence of any financial motivation allows us to offer you a publication-rate unmatched in today's world of military aviation journalism....the only condition is for you to allow to make inflight pictures from the backseat of your fighter aircraft.


            YES WE CAN !




 'Acrogroup Stars' SOKO Galeb during formation turn





To achieve this 'devine' goal to boost the international awareness of your airfroce, we create in our articles a sound harmony of individual impressions, on the spot interviews, official and available information and its own perception and objective win-win situation for all parties involved:

Air force involved, author, editor and reader...


   Canadian Armed Forces CF-188 Hornet of No.425 squadron patrolling the skies over Quebec




The quality and diversity of our pictures, including the vital air-to-air shots, will convince the editors to run our 'common' article, but the information given in the body of this report is as important as ever.


For years we gained and accumulated practical experience and knowledge on the technical know-how integrated into today's modern fighter aircraft. Being familiar with the prevailing technical capabilities and 'off the shelf' operational tactics enables us to keep our articles up-to-date with the latest military trends.

 US South Carolina ANG F-16C Fighting Falcon participating in Falcon Air Meet 09 in Jordan


We are fully aware that each individual air force has its own 'secrets' and since neither us nor the editors are interested in in-depth technological "X-ray"-ed dissections of your air force, aircraft and/or avionics, we focuss on the day-to-day flying operations of the various squadrons and air-forces.


RAF Tucano T.1 trainers of TANS over the Yorkshire moors


When having an added value on the content and/or attractive appearance of the article, technical data on aircraft and avionics will be integrated, using as reference-source commercially available information on the internet or dedicated speciliased literature.


Technical and (basic) tactical information received during interviews with your air force personnel will be used, when deemed appropriate and without jeopardising detailed technological or operational secrecy.



Canadian Armed Forces Canadair CT-133 Silver Star of AETE over the vast Alberta-woodlands



Experience however showed that an article, highlighting the operational use of the available hardware (aircraft, avionics) in the unit's day-to-day operational life, is nowadays highly in demand by editors all over the world.





After completion, all articles are sent to aviation and defence magazines around the world.


Priority will be given to magazines selected by you, your air force and/or individual squadrons